Agenda &
Outsiderwear Bandshirts by Cengiz Imamdi, Wobbewear, Wildbarz & others
Outsiderland in Sexyland World
Noordwal 1, 1021 PX Amsterdam
wed - sun 12:00 - 19:00
Cengiz Imamdi (1996) works at the Atelier Herenplaats in Rotterdam and knows a huge amount of death and blackmetal bands. Actually, he knows a lot of bands of any genre. His favourite band is Rammstein. In addition he knows a lot about Hindu gods and stories from the Islam. He draws and paints with his own style. When Wieger Windhorst saw his work in which he included Minnie Mouse, Mickey Mouse, Jesus Christ, Johnny Depp, Nick & Simon and the Swedish black metal band Dark Funeral, he was sold.
Wieger Windhorst from Wobbewear is, together with Iris Ruisch and Jan Hoek, one of the initiators of Outsiderwear. But besides that he likes acting and drawing and for 13 years he had a skaband. Music is his first love. Together with Cengiz they’ve been drawing for over a year time, like two or three times a month. They have been working on drawings from bands like Korn, The Poodles, The Adicts, Dimmu Borgir and Lordi.
Besides the drawings from Cengiz and Wieger we’ ve also used drawings from Vera Boels from De Witte Olifant (huge Black Sabbath fan) and Jan Hoek (huge 2-unlimited fan).
Firouz from Wildbarz is king of silk screen printing. This OG has been active for years as an independent artist. He collaborates with a lot of tattoo- and graffiti-artists. His designs are punk, DIY, raw and at the same time made with a sharp eye for details. He is the perfect fit for this banshirt project of Outsiderwar. He mixed all the drawings and combined them and came up with nine unique designs with front and back prints in different editions.
All the bandshirts are for sale in Outsiderland at Sexyland World in Amsterdam. They are cheap and very pretty, so u better be quick ;-)

Cengiz and Wieger


the Artists